It's Spirit Friday!!! Wear your Bulldog Colors!
There will be an Anime Club today at 3:05 PM for anyone interested. Email Ms. Tomecek if you are interested in joining, and she will email you the Zoom link.
"Czy lubisz wolontariat? Czy chcesz znaleźć sposób na odwdzięczenie się społeczności? W takim razie odwiedź Helping Paws i dowiedz się o wszystkich możliwościach wolontariatu, które mamy do zaoferowania.
Spotkamy się w środę, 23 września o 15:15 za pośrednictwem zoomu.
Skontaktuj się z panem Robinsem pod adresem [email protected] w celu uzyskania dalszych informacji.
Poniżej znajduje się wypowiedź studenta na temat naszego klubu:
I have been a member of helping paws for three years now and I absolutely love it. A few Fridays during each month we go to the Hepzibah house and play with the foster kids thereby doing games, crafts, coloring or running around outside with them. I love to see the kids smile and I always leave feeling happy. During the holiday season, we volunteer at an event for families that were affected by gun violence and have a Christmas party where we do crafts and play games with the children of the families. We also help out at a local food pantry in Brookfield. Helping paws is a great way to get involved and receive community hours while also having lots of fun!